Sunday, April 29, 2007

If I knew...

If I had an instance or two,
at some point in my life,
where all realities became true;
and this enlightenment allowed
for more of a life to be lived,
oh how relieved I'd be.

If each morning or afternoon,
let alone each depressive, hostile evening
would console me dearly,
oh how such a life could be lived.

If when I closed my eyes,
all my desires came to my aid,
oh how relieved I'd be.

If my words were more meaningful,
and hurt could be cured by them,
oh how such a life could be lived.

If our eye's sole purpose
was to return to the eyes
of a lover's gaze,
oh how the world would come together.
If our love could kindle a fire,
to lead us from lost time in being a part,
oh what lives we could lead.

A question of endearment,
isn't what I ask.
But the concluding points
of infinite possibilities--
the instance within an instance,
is sometimes too hard to grasp.

And if I could entertain the idea,
of always and forever,
getting what I ask,
the conclusion from various choices,
would be extremely stressed.

Like the syllables of your name,
I'd crash down on paper and,
ink spilling over I'd be like a sea.
I'd shout your name into existence,
and live out all my conclusions there.
You'd spill on me and I
unto you, would do so many--
such various things.

In the early morning,
you'd laugh with me.
For kissing is less intimate,
and my blushing face,
would give away our innocence.
With the stagnet sun,
we would feel so out of place,
as the humidity increased, and
our passion filled hearts,
breathed lust into the setting sun.
And when evening came,
we would simply make love.
In the dark, cool night,
we would conciously be,
feeling our way around--
bumping into furniture.

We'd figure our way out,
of days without one another.
Oh what love I would give to you:
if unassurance didn't scare me!
if you would sometimes yell to me!
and if I could hear it on the side,
of a coming wind narrowly missing,
the budding tulips tempting my lawn.
If only I knew, how you truly do,
love me, of course--and forever,
would I then, be crazed, and in love,
with you.


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