Saturday, April 28, 2007

a cool wind
sweeps my hand,
letting me know
of what a future
can be. your unassured
state of being
is in a sense, so like me.
i'm not sure of
one thing in my life.
what it will bring
is a question
to me too.
but through extensive
reasoning, questioning,
and experimentation--
i have found a solid
fact based method of theory.
love. and that's something
you can be sure of.
it will never leave you
cold like i have.
it will never abuse you
with words like i have.
my being will forever be,
to live in your surrondings.
for every place you are,
love surronds you like a breeze
on your hand


At 6:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You write very well.


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