Friday, November 10, 2006

Insecurities of February

It’s a profane night.

It shivers and yells,

obscenities to my ears.

The bite of winter,

the closure to fall,

I cannot bring summer back.

It is gone and the time is now.

Depression blows across the road.

Snow is soon to fall,

and the drifts will consume me.

Shame of my past,

is conceived in regrets.

Nothing could save me now.

Too much thought has brought—

me to this.

Insecurities I wish would fly away!

They bring me no warmth,

and I am feeling blue now.

What makes me question?

I could accept you,

if only I could accept myself.

I am not good like the nights you have.

I cuss and befriend the bitter cold.

I rub my hands together,

and whisper, fuck...

And I am the same.

I am the cold and blown snow.

I bring depression to the houses of New England.

And I yearn to take submissive hold.

I want to take the endurance of this coming winter;

And have it last and go on forever!

So that I could feel warm,

Make this depressive cold stay!

Throw ice on the roads!

Destroy the runways,

Make sure that these insecurities stay.

And allow the month of February,

to never end.

Have my insecurities be welcomed,

By the coldest of months,

to ever be felt,

the insecurities of February.


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