Monday, September 25, 2006

I am captive here on this island.

This brown land, with brown sand,

So many browns I find beautiful.

The land of your eyes, the sand

of your skin, and the breeze

of your hand that touches me.

Your voice of birds, your sun of a

smile, all wake me in the morning.

La mañana I go and en la noche I arrive:

to think again and again of those eyes.

I can see myself in those brown eyes.

It’s earth with me walking and to where I do not know.

So I continue in that gaze to see myself embark.

It's a journey, that only I see unfold.

So I walk and walk so far I am going.

Down further and further where the sun blazes.

The sweat drips from my nose, my nostrils flare;

new scents welcome me to new sights and new land.

I climb famous mountains the name of which I do not know.

I fall down, broken, alone, and cold.

The snow is about to consume me but I remember what to do.

The wind yells at my face; chunks of ice make homes in my hair,

I feel alone and am ready to give in to that man in the wilderness.

But, I remember what to do.

I look toward the night and see stars shining in the distance.

I locate where I am by my position compared to them.

Something I never new, but am taught somehow now.

I make my descent down to a small town.

It’s a pueblo they say, an unfamiliar language I begin to find.

I keep going looking like a poor man but within myself I am rich.

I find what it is I am looking for.

And I stop and stare at the most profound thing yet.

It is love in the form of a young girl who knows not what love is.

She recognizes me from somewhere and we stare.

My green eyes mixing with her deep browns.

An earth is created and in it I see,

myself traveling but to where it is not clear.

We are together though.

We are together there.

In those deep eyes,

mixed with brown and green;

an earth, a world is created.



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