Monday, September 18, 2006


How I love you.
I say it with a sigh.
I say it with frustration,
yet with love at the same time.
When you don't speak,
I hear what you are saying.
When you don't write,
I know you've got something.
But you just can't put it down in words.
It's okay because I'm coming to get you.
I'll come with time I promise you.
We're so impatient and why I'm not sure.
It's like we're afraid that it could end, but this--
It is right here where it all happens. There's no place,
that could really get rid of thought.
It's in our mind, in our heart.
And with each breath I take I sigh more.
It seems as breathing has become hard for me.
It's a tight pinch in my chest.
And I know it's not from smoking.
I know that it's disgusting
but it's more,
more than even that.
That quick fix I get,
That nicotine & sweet tobacco buzz,
you're worse then that.
I get so high and so stoned,
fucked up and sometimes so alone.
When I think of memories passed,
when I think of anything that I want to last;
I think of you.
Oh now I'm having trouble breathing.
And I swear it's not this shit I put in my lungs,
it's you sweetness... fruit from this earth,
It's you. I want to plant the seed.
I want to go and leap.
I want the first flight out, so that I could be--
With you.
Let's take our hands and put them together.
Let's take this world and mold it to what we require.
I want to do so many things to you.
I want people to yell for us to get a room,
and I want to laugh as we go to find one.
I want to walk and talk with you,
looking at a sunset that's unfamiliar to me.
I want to watch pointless flicks with you,
tickle your ear and kiss you on your temples.
I want your hands in mine, I want so many things
that it should be a crime.
I want to write about you.
I want to scream your name on paper.
I want so many things and with time I'll get them.
There's no restrictions.
No war or threat could keep me from you
No downfalls of happiness make me truly hate you,
it's in what you were to me. How you cared
by not caring, how you made me jealous,
how you made me feel things I've never felt.
So carefree, so sweet, such a delight.
Oh how I wish I was there with you.
I hate this place but that you know.
Funny how a Gringo feels foreign in his home.
Speak to me in anyway but do it now, please?
Oh such a shame some would say.
Why they ask, does my life revolve around you everyday?
Do we not all follow the sun?
Do we not all look for love?
What incompetence I am here with,
fools with their silly desires.
I know I am right.
And I know I'll get what I want.
So I'll give them a King's response:
laughter, laughter, laughter.
Oh, what a high I get...
From simply loving you.



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