Monday, December 03, 2007


I’m a decaying leaf,
under inches of snow.
Come now
life is not so,
never that depressive.
Yes, at times oppressive,

but hope is never lost.

Even when hope is small,

Microscopic and sometimes

unable to be seen,
It exists right there, entirely.

So I’m a leaf,

Decaying steadily

Until the sun shines down,

Melting me further into the ground.

That’s fine.

Someday I’ll be the dust,

Blown into the air,

Where winter or summer being

I will whisper the love that was you.
For you I would become the lowest of lows,
The dirt beneath your feet, and the rain

Pouring down from clouds of desperation.

I’d run down your hair to the corner of your mouth,

Where lips of uncertainty used to touch my lips,

Of blabbering rhymes of juxtaposed prose,

Next to greed and a tree well grown,

The one God said none could desire.

So I am leaf, dying here completely.

I am crazed.

I am fixated.